AT&T to throttle data speeds for 'unlimited' hogs

Alright, so AT&T is now throttling those of us with grandfathered unlimited plans on our phones... and it's not just rumor, I started experiencing this 2 weeks ago and it's been consistant since, once I start using data in the morning my speeds quickly drop to a fraction of what people around me are getting. However, they claim they aren't going to do it till October 1st, then why AT&T am I feeling it now!

AT&T Inc. said Friday that it's going to start limiting speeds for the 5 percent of its customers with "unlimited" data smartphone plans who clog the airwaves the most.

The measure will take effect Oct. 1, AT&T said, and is intended to alleviate congestion on the network.

T-Mobile USA already throttles users who go over certain limits for data consumption.

AT&T stopped signing up new customers for "unlimited" plans last year. Instead, it now lets heavy users pay extra when they go over a certain data allotment.

See the rest HERE

See other issues I've had with AT&T HERE


Actually Kind of Limited Data Plan of the Day
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