I'm looking for some science fiction series recommendations

So I've been reading lists/blog posts/other people liked this on amazon & goodreads etc trying to find some series to read that are similar to some of my more recently read (past 5 years or so) favorites. Here's what I've really liked:

Stuff I did not like:

Alibi Jones: Vacation (The Adventures of Alibi Jones)

Alibi Jones: VacationAlibi Jones: Vacation by Mike Luoma
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I first discovered Mike's writing with the Vatican Assassin books way before Charlie Sheen tried to claim HE was the Vatican Assassin. I immediately fell in love with the books and have been telling everyone I know about them ever since. After that series he continued on with Alibi Jones, another great read (or listen).

After Alibi Jones there was a void, I didn't have anything from Mike to read or hear. Enter this short. A great little spacer short to compliment his full-length spacer novels. I can't say much about this novel without including spoilers so I'll just say if you want a great (and cheap) spacer novel/taste of Mike's work go ahead and give this a read, you'll love it! Once you are satisfied with this purchase, go and check out his other books!

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Vatican Assassin

Vatican Assassin (Vatican Assassin Trilogy #1)Vatican Assassin by Mike Luoma
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Alright first let me ask a question. Do you like Heinlein, Asimov, Clarke, Robinson, Niven, Hamilton? If you like any or all of those authors and their works, you'll like this series too. A great spacer trilogy that gives you a little of everything you'd want and at times makes you wonder if you are reading some lost work by Clarke, Asimov, or Heinlein but at the same time having a distinct flair that is Mike Luoma. Check this trilogy out, then read past it in the same world with the Alibi Jones stories.

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