Lego:Millennium Falcon

So last Sunday (July 13th, 2014) I had a nice lunch date for a second date with a pretty cool girl. We had lunch for about an hour then decided to go browse Lego products at toy store down the road. They had several themes buy-1-get-1 40% off so I picked up 180$ of Star Wars sets and she picked up 60$ or so worth of various sets, the bulk of my purchase was the LEGO Star Wars Millennium Falcon 7965. I had a really bad headache that afternoon and evening so it took me about 4 hours to get through the #1 and #2 bags (6 sets of bags total, 2 books). I worked on it throughout the week and just finished it a few minutes ago. Do note, I do not do the stickers! I have never been able to get the stickers to go on even remotely the way they were meant to so I just leave them in the box.
