I'm looking for some science fiction series recommendations
So I've been reading lists/blog posts/other people liked this on amazon & goodreads etc trying to find some series to read that are similar to some of my more recently read (past 5 years or so) favorites. Here's what I've really liked:
Nathan Lowell: Trader Tales
Mike Luoma: Vatican Assassin
Mike Luoma: Alibi Jones
Peter F. Hamilton: Commonwealth Saga
Peter F. Hamilton: Void Trilogy
John Ringo: Looking Glass
John Ringo: Troy Rising
John Ringo: Legacy of the Aldenata
Daniel Suarez: Daemon/Freedom (TM)
Robert Charles Wilson: Spin series
B.V. Larson: Lost Colonies
B.V. Larson: Undying Mercenaries
B.V. Larson: Star Force
Greg Bear: The Way
Niven & Pournelle: Mote in God's Eye
Michael McCollum: Antares
Michael McCollum: Makers
Michael McCollum: Gibraltar Earth
Wylie & Balmer: Worlds Collide
Jack Campbell: Stark's War
Jack Campbell: Lost Fleet & related series
Joshua Dalzelle: Omega Force
Tanya Huff: Confederation
Christopher G. Nuttal: Ark Royal
John Scalzi: Old Man's War
Joel Shepherd: Cassandra Kresnov
Mike Shepherd: Kris Longknife
Stuff I did not like:
B.V. Larson's Mech
Mike Shepherd: Vicky Peterwald