LEGO 71011 Minifigure Series 15

Now THAT is how you start a weekend off right, with all of Lego 71011 Minifigure Series 15. Say hi to the Farmer, Wrestling Champion, Janitor, Flying Warrior, Jewel Thief, Shark Suit, Kendo Fighter, Tribal Woman, Laser Mech, Ballerina, Animal Catcher, Faun, The Queen, Frightening Knight, Clumsy Guy and Astronaut!

Yes, I do have the grappling hook for Jewel Thief, I just forgot to put it in her gun. Yes, I also know the balelrina's torso is on backwards. *shrugs*.

Lego: DeLorean

So my latest build is Lego's Back to the Future DeLorean. You first build it as the 80's version, then you can convert it tot he 2015 version by deconstructing it a little and using the remaining parts, I'm leaving it as the 80's version for now (as it stores back in the box assembled and I just don't have the space for it sitting out right now... I bought 440 POUNDS of Lego bricks so space is limited right now, I'll post about those once they all arrive). 


Also, remember when Doc pours the beer into the Mr. Fusion, well a few years ago I did some math to figure out how many jigawatts were in that beer after reading that electric DeLoreans were going to be made from largely original parts go check the post out if you haven't!

Lego:Millennium Falcon

So last Sunday (July 13th, 2014) I had a nice lunch date for a second date with a pretty cool girl. We had lunch for about an hour then decided to go browse Lego products at toy store down the road. They had several themes buy-1-get-1 40% off so I picked up 180$ of Star Wars sets and she picked up 60$ or so worth of various sets, the bulk of my purchase was the LEGO Star Wars Millennium Falcon 7965. I had a really bad headache that afternoon and evening so it took me about 4 hours to get through the #1 and #2 bags (6 sets of bags total, 2 books). I worked on it throughout the week and just finished it a few minutes ago. Do note, I do not do the stickers! I have never been able to get the stickers to go on even remotely the way they were meant to so I just leave them in the box.


Chuck Lorre Productions #364

"On behalf of the producers of The Big Bang Theory I want to take this opportunity to thank our intrepid office staffers: Jen D'Angelo, Anthony Robinson, Jess Ambrosetti, Gary Torvinen, Tara Hernandez, Charlie Back, Robin Green for their tireless efforts and ridiculous devotion to the building of the Lego Death Star seen in tonight's episode. You are all now part of television history, although that will not be reflected in your paycheck."

That thing is FREAKING AWESOME! It's far superior to this one