CrossFit: in which I attempt Annie

Today's WOD was Annie...

Double Under’s
(Advanced: GHD sit-ups)

Well, I can't do double unders so I subbed 3x the number in single's... my previous consecutive record of rope jumps was FOUR, tonight I hammered out the first 37 without a fumble, go me! Sadly it was down hill from there but hey that's ok, I'd only jumped rope for the first time EVER 2 Mondays ago!!!

It took be about 8 minutes to knock out that first 150 single unders, the most I've ever done by a factor of almost FOUR. I then paused momentarily to catch some of my breath and hit the mat for the sit-ups. I could do 2-3 sit-ups at a time before I'd have to stop to catch my wind, I mean I'm still over 300lbs and sitting up takes a LOT of effort for me still. By the time most of the folks were DONE with Annie I was still in my 40's on the FIRST round of sit-ups, coach walks over on my 49th time up and asks me how many left "huw huw huwon left fo fo for firrssssssttt round" and I go right back down on the mat and rocket back up, he squats low to give me a high five and tells me he's proud of me. Hell, I'm proud of me too... when I read the WOD on the site this morning I was like "feck, I can't do that, their bleeding mad!" and was 100% convinced I wouldn't even get 10 single unders done. Wow, I did 150 single unders and 50 sit ups. It's something, and in my opinion a damn good attempt. I look forward to the next time Annie comes around, I can't wait to see how much better I do!

I did buy a Valeo Deluxe Speed Rope 2 weeks ago but haven't even adjusted it yet, that 150 I did tonight is all the motivation I need to get that thing sized and start using it on days I don't go to the box for a WOD. Now, time to ice and roll my shins! Catch you guys next time.