(no subject)

You all would ahve been visiting me in the hospital if it wasn't for a bottle of aspirine and a trick I learned on ER...
I woke up this morning and like I do every morning... checked my bank balances... and there was no money there... there should have been, we get paid today... so I started freaking out... and I was going crazy and I called my boss and left a message on their voicemail and was freaking out hardcore... then my heart started beating a million baets a minute and it felt like someone was stabbing me with a knife... so I grabbed the bottle of aspirine ate a few and filled the sink with cold water from the fridge and dunked my head (divers response... slows your heart down) *nods* Work almost caused me to have a heart attack... here about 45 minutes later the money finally hits one of my accounts, 100$ is still missing from my second account... but the 610.11 is there in the big account so I'm fine for a while