InstaFire Ember Oven Review: Is It a Must-Have for Prepper Cooking?

I decided to buy and review the InstaFire Ember oven.

I saw one of these InstantFire Ember Ovens originally on TheProvidentPrepper channel and thought it looked pretty cool. This oven can use "canned heat", wood, charcoal, etc to heat the little oven and cook food. In this video, I try cooking 3 different things with it.

Find the InstaFire Ember oven HERE

Find the Nordic Ware pans HERE

NASA Head Charles Bolden Warns Of Attack From 'Outside Forces'

So one of the top brass at NASA did a family/emergency preparedness talk the other day to all NASA personnel… he said things like "We are the only agency in the federal government that's responsible for the safety and well being of not only people here on Earth but uh off this planet” (not on this world and at the space station, on and off this planet)… "think about attacks like 9/11 from outside forces" note 'outside forces' not terrorists, ... mind you, it could be that this guy is a former Marine… but ehhhhh I say Alien Invasion!